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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Envisions A Geopolitical European Union

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Envisions a Geopolitical European Union

Scholz's Call for Unity and Reform

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz addressed the European Parliament on Europe Day 2023, presenting his vision for the future of the European Union. He emphasized the need for a more united Europe, capable of navigating an increasingly complex geopolitical landscape.

Enlarging and Reforming the EU

Scholz stressed the importance of enlarging the EU to include more countries and expanding its scope of action. He advocated for a "geopolitical European Union," one that can effectively address global challenges and assert itself on the international stage.

To achieve this, Scholz called for a reformed EU, one that is more efficient and democratic. He envisioned an EU where member states cooperate more closely, pooling their resources and decision-making power to achieve common goals.

A Vision for the Future

Scholz's address outlined a bold vision for the EU's future. He argued that a united, enlarged, and reformed Europe could become a global leader, capable of shaping the world order and ensuring the prosperity and security of its citizens.

Scholz's speech was met with a positive response from many European leaders. They welcomed his call for unity and his commitment to strengthening the EU. The implementation of his vision will be a complex and ongoing process, but it has the potential to transform the EU into a more effective and influential force on the world stage.
