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Leave Our Kids Alone Shirt Meaning

Leave Our Kids Alone: Group Advocates for Limits on LGBTQ Education

Organizer Discusses Group's Mission

The phrase "Leave Our Kids Alone" has become a rallying cry for a group of activists who are working to limit LGBTQ education in schools.

The group's organizer, who goes by the name "Patriot," spoke to reporters on Wednesday about the group's goals. "We believe that parents have the right to decide what their children are taught about sex and sexuality," Patriot said. "We don't think it's appropriate for schools to be teaching children about these topics without parental consent."

The group's efforts have been met with mixed reactions. Some parents have expressed support for the group's goals, while others have criticized the group for trying to censor what children are taught in school.

The debate over LGBTQ education is likely to continue for some time. As more and more states consider legislation that would limit LGBTQ education, groups like Leave Our Kids Alone are likely to play a major role in the debate.
